Exercise for the Reader: Facebook Member Stats

[Update: before you get too far into these numbers, you might like to check out this updated post, which gives a more accurate breakdown of genders – the country totals remain the same]

Out of interest I went through the Facebook ad platform to pull together some stats on relative numbers of members from each country. Not surprisingly, the US represents over 40% of the total membership at just over 18 million. Some surprises though (at least to me), with Turkey in 5th place.

There’s quite a heavy bias to the ladies too, with female members making up just over 63% of the total population.

I’m not able to see what criteria FB uses to present these numbers, so these may be members with just a basic profile, or those who have also filled in some additional personal details too.

Full picture is below. Click on the image to open up so that you can see all the data.

[update – see my comment in the comments too 🙂 ]

Facebook Member Stats

43 Responses to Exercise for the Reader: Facebook Member Stats

  1. […] blogger named Paul Francis went to the trouble of gathering Facebook user data via an advertiser tool that facilitates […]

  2. […] blogger named Paul Francis went to the trouble of gathering Facebook user data via an advertiser tool that facilitates […]

  3. The Pageman says:

    Where’s the Philippines?

  4. Ilefix says:

    Finland is missing from the list for some reason, I believe there are hundreds of thousands of user here.

    Otherwise, nice work.

  5. Hi,

    the Facebook ad utility is a nice source for numbers…

    A question – your figures does not counter for the individuals without a defined gender. When I looked at the Facebook demographics in Sweden I found a fairy large number of profiles without a defined gender (see the last graph in my post http://thekillerattitude.com/2007/10/facebook-statistics-in-sweden.html)

    Did you look into this aspect?

  6. […] FaceBook, Social Networking, TechCrunch.com — Michael Arrington @ 9:58 pm A blogger named Paul Francis went to the trouble of gathering Facebook user data via an advertiser tool that facilitates […]

  7. […] blogger named Paul Francis went to the trouble of gathering Facebook user data via an advertiser tool that facilitates […]

  8. thursdayclub says:

    Some interesting feedback on this exercise – I should probably clarify some points:

    – the countries on this list make up the countries available to target via the FB advertising platform. So, any missing countries have either less defined members than the lowest on this list, or are not present due to legal or other commercial arrangements. I couldn’t tell which

    – there seemed to be no way by this method of allowing for people with no defined gender (on Facebook!). This would skew the number of course. There’s a suggestion that males are less likely to mark their gender. I can’t confirm or deny that that is generally true. I didn’t actually realise that was optional on FB.

    – this was just an interesting exercise for the reader, so please don’t try and divine too much into the numbers. We all know how statistics can be 🙂

  9. In feite says:

    Vrouwen veel vaker actief op Facebook dan mannen

    TechCrunch wijdt vandaag aandacht aan een artikeltje van blogger Paul Francis, waarin hij aantoont dat ongeveer tweederde van de gebruikers van de netwerksite Facebook vrouw is. In de VS, het land met de meeste Facebook-gebruikers (18 miljoen) zijn er nog

  10. […] da, citeam blogul lui Paul Francis, care in urma centralizarii datelor legate de userii facebook.com, a ajuns la concluzia ca din […]

  11. […] Blogger Paul Francis hat mit dem Facebook Advertising-Tool, den genauen Anteil männlicher und weiblicher User in […]

  12. Vijay A says:

    How you get that list?????

  13. canadada says:

    I am highly suspicious of how Facebook ‘gathers’ members and by extension ‘statistics’…. see our post, ‘Facebook vs. WordPress’….As for ‘women’ dominating the percentages over there, well, Facebook and/or WordPress ain’t no rock’em sock’em techie ‘video game’ boyos… It seems only a matter of time, by the way, before WordPress also succumbs to a litany of ads and/or corporate overtures, I mean, WHY would people BOTHER to create/promote this kind of interactive socially engaging platform UNLESS there was some sort of dough in it for them LONG TERM? Communicative ‘altruism’ is a myth in this ‘infopreneur’ age …. Cheers, c

  14. […] dit moment 139.020 leden uit Nederland die 18 jaar en ouder zijn, waarvan 30% man is en 70% vrouw, lezen we hier. Door middel van de targetted advertisement tool in Facebook kan je zelf cijfers achterhalen over […]

  15. […] Paul Francis used the new advertising tools on Facebook to figure out the demographics of Facebook users. Country and gender only so far but still very interesting. He came up with this data-set. United States of America is obviously by far and away the leaders but check out Turkey and my home country of South Africa at number 9 with six hundred thousand users. Ireland is further down at 167,000 users. […]

  16. […] surtout des femmes. C’est ce qui ressort d’un tableau de statistiques publié sur le blog de Paul Francis. 36,12% d’hommes sont inscrits au réseau contre 63,88% de femmes. Ensuite, par nationalité, […]

  17. cantheworldhearme says:

    Genius idea there, I wish I thought of that

  18. […] posted up some demographic data from Facebook today (original source). It just so happens that I’m preparing a presentation on “Web 2.0 in the Arab […]

  19. […] Ein Blogger hat eine interessante Facebook-Analyse durchgeführt. Anhand eines Tool zur Schaltung von Werbung auf Facebook hat er die Nutzerzahlen analysiert. Demnach sind etwa 63 Prozent der Facebook-Nutzer weiblich. Interessieren sich Frauen eher für solche Plattformen oder sind das einfach nur viele Fake-Accounts? Eine ausführliche Tabelle findet sich hier. […]

  20. Steve Thomas says:

    Interesting. But I am astounded that apparently 9% of the population of Australia are on Facebook. I guess in terms of percentage of population, the UK is about the same, the US a bit less. Don’t know the pop. of Canada. But that’s huge, considering that few had heard of Facebook just a year ago.

  21. thursdayclub says:

    I believe that the percentage for Canada is even higher. It’s hard to tell though how many accounts are in use vs fake/marketing/spam/test accounts. Would be v.interesting to look at the active accounts, but their visitor numbers are impressive nonetheless.

  22. Salkay says:

    Lair….. you think Pakistan only has 118K users… do your maths correctly… please we spend too much time on facebook and need to know the exact stats….

  23. Willem says:

    Wow! 6.6 million Canadians? That’s more than 1 in 5!

  24. frmad says:

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  25. thursdayclub says:

    @Salkay – yes, you are right. There are actually 412million Facebook users in Pakistan. Given it’s clearly a matter of utmost urgency I must come clean and confess to pulling the 118k number from my bottom … *rolls eyes*

    The numbers come from the FB advertising platform .. I make no claims as to their accuracy.

  26. Morten says:

    Almost 823,000 norwegians, thats 17,% of the whole population! We’re talking kids, elderly, disabled and so on.

  27. […] was wondering when we would see this.              Related […]

  28. […] Thursday Clubs post on Facebook Statistics is excellent, showing the total number of Facebook users at 42,966,780 people or 0.6% of the worlds population.  I took his top 10 countries and made a table with the respective country populations (taken from Wikipedia). […]

  29. Desire Athow says:

    Good job… But your figures are way off the line… Try changing the age lmits from any to any…. You’d be surprised…. US facebook for example comes up with more than 22 million people meaning that there are nearly 6 million underage users on Facebook

  30. […] Francis, author of Travels With My Overnight Bag, segmented Facebook users by male / female and country a couple of days ago.  TechCrunch picked this up, proclaiming that 2/3 of Facebook users are […]

  31. […] blogger named Paul Francis went to the trouble of gathering Facebook user data via an advertiser tool that facilitates […]

  32. […] have posted about some of the user numbers behind facebook. Paul Francis compiled a spreadsheet of the […]

  33. Great stats is a good jobs. 😉 What tool do u use for this?

  34. Dave Muzzi says:

    One of the weird things with this data is that if you look at the Facebook sex ratio compared to national sex ratio, India is a good example, they are inverse.
    Any yes, 23% of Canadians are Facebook users.

    I couldn’t help but map this. Enjoy

  35. […] Middle East Posted on November 25, 2007 by faisalghori As TechCrunch recently highlighted, Paul Francis, a blogger, has compiled a dataset of Facebook users through an advertiser tool on Facebook that […]

  36. […] demography and stats A blogger named Paul Francis went to the trouble of gathering Facebook user data via an advertiser tool that facilitates […]

  37. […] That is very interesting, seeing as we normally assume the opposite ratio.  A blogger named Paul Francis went to the trouble of gathering Facebook user data via an advertiser tool that facilitates […]

  38. […] your gender November 27, 2007 — Michael Tangeman Blogger Paul Francis has updated his original post on Facebook member stats, providing the male-female breakout that proved ammunition for the ’shot heard round the […]

  39. […] countries like Sweden and Norway (resp. 1 in 9 and 1 in 5 on Facebook!) where the entire 15-35 demographic is on Facebook, joining the “regional network” […]

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